Foam fender for ESVAGT

RG Rom Gummi has produced five unique and special so-called bow fenders. The fender is for ESVAGT A / S and is manufactured specifically for their FRB 15C boats (Fast Rescue Boat). The boats are designed to operate in severe weather with high waves, where safety and comfort must also be out of the ordinary.
We have made the fender in foam to minimize the weight, which helps to maintain the boat's maneuverability and comfort. The fender has been cut in our CNC milling cutter to adjust the dimensions and edges of the boat 100%. Subsequently, the fender is coated with liquid Polyurea which gives the foam a hard, solid and durable surface.

ESVAGT are experts in safety and support at sea, and their fleet consists of more than 40 offshore vessels specially developed for operations in harsh weather conditions. They offer a wide range of services to the offshore wind and oil & gas industry, and operate primarily in and around the North Sea and the Barents Sea.



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