Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a very small text file that is placed on your device by websites that you visit. The information the cookie contains is set by the server that operates the website and it can be used by that server whenever the user visits the site.

Information about our use of cookies

Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other uses of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and allows us to improve our site.

Types of cookies

Cookies can be grouped in the following categories:

Session cookies

These cookies are temporary. They are stored in the devices’ memory only during a user's browsing session and are automatically deleted from the user's device when the browser is closed.

Persistent or permanent

These cookies are stored on the user's device and are not deleted when the browser is closed. Permanent cookies can retain user preferences for a particular website, allowing those preferences to be used in future browsing sessions. These cookies remain on your device until you erase them or they expire (this depends on how long the visited website has defined the cookie to last).

The following cookies are used on this website:

First party cookies

First party cookies are set by our website, you are visiting and they can only be read by our site.


Name Duration Description
gaTrackTrans Session This cookie decides if tracking of an ordering transaction should be done on the receipt page in the checkout flow.
eDisableInpageModalCart Session This cookie decides whether a modal-window should be shown every time a product is put into a shopping basket. 
eInpageModalCartID Session This cookie is used to record whether a modal-window has been shown or not.


Name Duration Description
VisitorID og VisitDate 1 year

This cookie allows us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.

DW_Extranet 30 days This cookie enables you to log into secure areas of our website, and remembers your username and password.
Dynamicweb.CookieOptInLevel 14 days This cookie is used to record if a user has accepted the use of cookies on our website.

Session cookie

Navn Lifetime Description
ASP.NET_SessionId Deletes when you close your browser window Used for anonymous traffic analysis

Third party cookies

Our website uses the following third-party suppliers who may also set cookies on your device as you browse our website. Please note that, where we embed content from third-party sites such as Google, you may also have cookies from these third-party websites installed on your device. We do not control these cookies and you should check the privacy policy of the relevant website for more information.


Name Duration Description
Visitor_INFO1_LIVE 8 months

YouTube (Google) set a series of cookies on any page that includes a YouTube video. Google will automatically create these cookies. These cookies are installed by Google. For more information about Google’s privacy policy, please use this link: Google’s privacy policy

Google Search Settings

Name Duration Description
PREF 2 years This cookie is not in use but is linked to Google Analytics and a standard cookie set by

For more information about Google’s privacy policy, please use this link: Google’s privacy policy


Name Duration Description
_AVESTA_ENVIRONMENT Session MailChimp has not got no official cookie documentation.

Google Analytics

Name Duration Description
_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz Up to 6 months For more information about Google’s privacy policy, please use this link: Google’s privacy policy. To opt out of Google Analytics, please use this link: Opt out of Google Analytics 

Site usage and consent

By continuing to use our website we assume that you agree to accept cookies on your device in accordance with this cookie policy. We have detailed where to find information on how to delete and manage cookies.

Deleting and managing cookies

Most web browsers allow you to manage or delete your cookies by accessing the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit

This cookie policy is in relation to this website. This statement does not cover links within this site to other websites.

Last updated September 6, 2017
